Tuesday, April 20, 2010

sometimes i feel that we are becoming insensible,because of post modernism. i start this blog in such a negative way, because our approach towards most of the things becoming negative and having lots of complaints. i am talking about the back generation's view about our generation. yes, we are entering in the post modernism period so speedily from the modernism period. we are becoming materialistic and we call it "practicle". we are becoming the part of celebration culture and we call it extremity of emotions. we are expressing ourselves in the dramatic way that means the depiction of naturalistic expression in a dramatic way. and we call it realistic. we are facing lots of artificial stresses and we call it depression. Depression, frustration leads to suicides, crimes and loss of sensibility. we can not feel about some serious issues happenning in our society due to our self-centredness. we are ready to compramise but with negative attitudes. Being a Journalist I have to be a sensible, natural, factual expressive, practicle in true sense and should be far from materialism.Here I have lots of examples that media where we are going to work in future highlights the glamarous shades of any issue whether they are really glamorous or not. Media highlights the outlook of many issues but they are not interested in the core part of it.
Are we reallly going to work in such a field or we are going to change it...?
mee majha-post modernism, me konacha-modernism, me nahee majha-tradition...now we have to decide in which period we are going to live.....because we are shaping the world now....